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SQEHM (Safety, Quality, Environmental, Healty Management System)

Polaris Shipping carries out a wide range of activities for safer, healthier, and more environmental fleet operation in order to provide our customers and stakeholders with the best service. Our entire fleet is fully certificated by ISM CODE, ISPS CODE, MLS, ISO 9001,ISO 14001 and ISO 45001

Growth for the Leading company of Total logistics for energy transportation by 2030 through Constant Improvements and the Settlement of Safety Culture.

We shall respect and put clients in first priority, do our best to client protection and satisfaction.

We shall perform our tasks fairly and truthfully with high moral values and expertise, and will devote to our missions by constant self-development.

We shall respect individual worker as an independent human entity without any discrimination, treat them according to capabilities and performances, and do our best to ensure the health and safety of our members.

We shall respect the mechanism of free competition market and shall pursue mutual growth by fair trade with business partners & competitions in good faith with competitors.

We shall observe domestic and international laws and social ethics in business activities and fulfill our social responsibilities by environment-friendly management and returning profits of business activities.

The company maintains effectiveness of SQEHM System which was established on the basis of the international convention, ISO & Mandatory rules & regulations, and achieves ‘Safe Operation’, ‘Protection of Personnel and Environment’, ‘Ensuring Safeguards against identified Risks’, ‘Continuously Improve SQEHM system and skill’ and ‘Customer Satisfaction’ by implementing SQEHM System.

Company shall do its best to achieve the establishment of a sustainable management environment, the provision of the best quality and service, and the establishment of a customer satisfaction management system.

Company shall establish specific and realistic plans and goals to achieve "Zero" of marine pollution and casualties, and periodically monitor and improve the achievement of the goal.

Company shall provide a safe and pleasant working environment and consider the health and safety of all workers as a top priority.

Company operates according to the SQEHM system that reflects ISM CODE and international standards.

Company shall continuously improve the SQEHM Skill and system, including emergency response for safety and environmental protection.

Company shall comply with the laws, regulations and other requirements of all regions in which management activities are conducted and motivate all workers to comply.

The Company shall comply with customer requirements and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements for the purpose of ensuring customer focus, customer satisfaction, and shall continuously identify risks and opportunities that may affect the suitability of the service.

Company shall continuously implement/improve the identification of risk factors for environmental and OH&S and the assessment of risk, and implement necessary safety measures to prevent loss of lives and property.

Company encourage the reporting of near-miss and strengthen preventive action activities to achieve the safety of lives and environmental pollution "Zero".

The company shall provide training to ensure that all workers recognize the importance of the SQEHM system and faithfully carry out individual responsibilities and roles in order to effectively implement the SQEHM policy.

The company shall use the most effective methods for the conservation of resources and energy, minimizes the emission of environmental pollutants and eliminates the waste of resources.

The company shall actively reflect the requirements of workers and interested parties in its management activities, and transparently disclose the results of SQEHM system management activities to workers and interested parties.

Company shall actively encourage the activities of the Labor-Management Council and the SQEHM Committee and actively support the resources necessary for the activities.